tour: frank lloyd wright in detroit

tour: frank lloyd wright in detroit

One of the goals of a2modern is to support and promote the activities throughout s.e. michigan. This event is not an a2modern event, but, we thought that many in the group would be interested!
Destination Detroit

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Join the Conservancy for a Usonian trilogy in the Motor City featuring three houses with similar plans but dramatically different relationships to the surrounding environment.
Sited in a wooded natural amphitheater, participants will enter the Gregor and Elizabeth Affleck House (1941) at grade and peer out the cantilevered living area at a stream bed below. The Melvin Maxwell and Sara Stein Smith House (1946) presents a more serene lakefront lot while the Dorothy Turkel House (1955), Frank Lloyd Wright’s only realized two-story Usonian Automatic, is sited on a large urban lot.

The Turkel House will also host an evening wine and hors d’oeuvres reception, allowing participants to tour the house and grounds at their leisure.
Bus transportation will be provided to take participants between all three locations. The bus will depart and return to the Radisson Hotel Detroit-Bloomfield Hills (39475 Woodward Avenue, Bloomfield Hills, MI, 48304). Make a reservation online or call 1.800.395.7046. Mention or use code FLW to receive the Conservancy’s $89/night rate.
Registration is $150 for Conservancy members and $185 for non-members.

Registration and further information see:


53 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 1120 | Chicago, IL, 60604
phone 312.663.5500 | fax 312.663.5505 |