September 17, 2024
Engel Residence Open House

Engel Residence
A2modern is hosting another open house, on Sunday the 6th of October at the Edward Olencki and Joseph Albano designed house at 3087 Overridge Drive in Ann Arbor Hills. The house was designed for Edwin A. and Dorothy Engel in 1962. Edwin Engel was a professor of English and Dorothy worked in Social Work in Ann Arbor. The Engels occupied the house until 1989 when they sold it to Tom and Sally Klein, who lived there until their retirement to Florida in 2022. The current owners are only the third family to occupy the house and few changes have been made to the original house.
There will be three entry times: 1:00pm, 2:00pm and 3:00 pm and each ticket will cost $15.00.